Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fall 2010

I have been so terrible about updating lately! I've gone back to work 3 days a week, plus 2 kids, plus general craziness means not a lot of free time!

We have had a jam packed, but super fun fall 2010. In early October Nate and I headed down to New Orleans for Katie and David's wedding. We had an amazing time, but it was tough (for me anyway) to leave our kiddies for a whole week. Fortunately, they were spoiled rotten at Nonni and Pop's house and I am still hearing drips and drabs of the things they did. Upon our return the action didn't stop. Ben started "Small Fry" soccer, which is mostly kids running around jumping on soccer balls. I think Ben enjoyed it although he had trouble getting the concept of "no hands." We still have to play "Coach TJ and Coach Colleen" where Ben is the coach with a whistle and he makes us do jumping jacks ("pencil/star, pencil/star") and other general calisthenics.

Next up was Halloween. We went to Linvilla for the fall festival where we went on a hayride and picked our pumpkins. Ben was adamant about being a builder this year, so we suited him up as best as possible. The standout costume was Lilly's, though! I wanted her to be a "Lily" so I made a costume for her that attached to the Bjorn. It turned out pretty well, and we even won a prize at the Concord Township Fall Festival. Ben loved trick-or-treating this year and was typically at the next house before Nate or I finished chatting with the previous neighbor. No surprise that he loved getting candy, but we were surprised at just how much he likes chocolate!

In early November we had Ben's 3rd birthday party. This deserves a post of it's own - I'm sure I'll get there before he turns 4. It was his first "friends" party and we had it at Jumpers. We invited all the kids from his class along with some other friends, and he had a great time. He even got a big kid bike from his mom and dad as a birthday gift!

Thanksgiving topped off the fall travels with a trip to Nonni and Pop's for Turkey Day. It was great to spend time with the CT relatives before returning to PA for "round 2" with the Clines.

So many great memories this fall, I don't want to forget any of them. Before I know it Nate and I will be begging our kids to come on a hayride with us, to which they will reply: "Ug, that's so lame, MOM!"


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