Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Love Bug!

Lilly has never been super cuddly, but times, they are a changin'! Well, to be fair she's still not snuggly BUT she's a total love. I swear that every morning when I pick her up out of her crib she says "Hi" and gives me a hug. Her hug is just kind of holding on tight and putting her head to my shoulder, but it's something. (Truth be told she may not actually be saying "Hi" but I think she is...and I can believe whatever I want, right?)

She's also started giving kisses. She absolutely loves eskimo kisses...she puts her forehead to yours and moves her head around. Truly, she loves it and she usually ends up breaking out in giggles. And just today she grabbed my face with both hands and planted a big one on me. Obviously she can't really kiss so it's just her open mouth on my face, but it's still pretty cute.

So, she may never be the snuggle bug that Ben is, but she's a lovey and I'll take it!


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