Birthday Boy
We celebrated his actual birthday by giving him his "big present" early in the morning. All he asked for for his birthday was balloons, but in the grand tradition of over-zealous parents we got his this spiffy kitchen. He really does love it and it entertains him for quite some time (i.e. completely worth it to his parents).
In the evening when Dad came home, we had cake and Ben got to open one more present. You'll notice in the pic Nate is cracking up because Ben is saying "Please Daddy, please, please, please, please ooooooooopen it!" He was pretty frantic about getting into those tools. He seemed to know exactly what to do with the candles and definitely knew what to do with the cake.
We're grateful to have such a fun, happy, bright, adorable two year old. He is an absolute joy and I can't wait to see what this year brings...terrible two's and all!
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