Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ben is back at Gymboree! We did it this summer, but then switched to Little Gym to give it a try. We love both, but moved back to Gymboree because of the flexible schedule, and because we can go on Saturdays so both Mom and Dad can go. In these cold winter months Gymboree is perfect to blow off some steam. As you can tell from the pictures, Ben loves it. His faves are the parachute, the bubbles, the bells and the slide!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Haircut and Hauling

Ben got his second haircut today! It was getting very long and unruly so we went in for the boy's regular. It's a little short on the top for my liking (and a little too "dumb and dumber" if it's not brushed to the side), but he does look like such a big boy! In this picture Ben is hauling a rather large toy around like it's a stuffed animal. He does this with all his toys now - drags them from one end of the house to another. We don't really get it, but it keeps him very busy so we can't complain!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Who knows if he was really even sick? All right fine, at the end you can tell he's really got a cold, but I think Ferris Bueller's got nothing on this kid. 


Finally, we got some snow! It's been freezing (miserable freezing) for the last couple of weeks. Mom said in CT they've gotten a ton of snow, but this is the first time we got anything that stuck. I took Ben out briefly in the evening to check it out. He found rolling around in it the most fun, and for some reason really liked playing the shrubbery and flower beds.  

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Game Day

As I write, the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing in the conference championship game against the Baltimore Ravens. Much like his Pop, Ben is a huge Steelers fan. So big in fact, that he just pitched the biggest fit about going to bed. He cried for a solid hour before finally sacking out. It's pretty unusual - he usually goes into his crib with no problems and sleeps like a champ. The only thing I can think of is that he's ticked off that he has to miss the game. At least that's what I'm hoping...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


(This is Nate) So, its inauguration weekend, and the few friends of mine who live in D.C. have split in favor of NYC and New Orleans; so it sounds like it will be pretty crazy down there. As Ben is 1 year old and Obama is starting his presidency and will likley be leaving 8 years from now when Ben is 9, it made me think...when Kris and I were 1, Jimmy Carter was president; when we were 9, Reagan was ending his presidency. 

I can honestly say I have no association with Carter, but I can clearly remember the Challenger plane crash and Reagan talking about it (1986?). These same memories collide with those of eating mac and cheese, served from the "window" of the kitchen at 621 Lehmer and watching The Price is Right, for whatever that is worth.  I guess it just makes me wonder, what things will Ben remember or think fondly of? What will these next 8 years bring?

Congrats to Barack Hussien Obama. But more importantly: good luck.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Our poor little peanut is still pretty sick. His cold turned into the flu and he has had major stomach issues for the past 2 days. Besides being terribly sad, its really gross. Ben was sitting on my lap yesterday and I was trying to get him to eat a cracker since he hadn't eaten anything all day. This little oyster cracker caused him to gag which spurred full projectile vomit all over him and me. It was really gross. Even grosser than the time he threw up at the Yocum's house (which is what we have been holding as the grossest thing we've ever seen). Anywho, I digress with specifics. Anyone who knows Ben will agree that he must be sick if he's just sitting down watching television for more than 2 seconds. The one good thing is that he's obsessed with "cup" so we've been able to keep him hydrated fairly well. Cross your fingers!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We are struggling a bit this weekend because Ben is sick. He's got what seems to be just a cold, but he's definitely not himself. He's contantly tired, cranky, whiney, doesn't want to play and doesn't have much of an appetite. It's sad to see him sick and its also rather draining - we put him to bed at 6pm last night because we just couldn't take it anymore! His tummy must be bothering him as well because there were well above the normal number of dirty diapers yesterday. Finally, at about 5pm Nate couldn't deal with the battle of trying to put his pants on after diaper change 1 million, so this is how Ben came back downstairs. Yes, Ben is sick, but his dad is a sicko for even being able to come up with this as an acceptable outfit. Although, I will say it did make me laugh pretty hard after a day with not a lot of laughter. Ben also liked it because it gave him great access to his "tummy"- something he is incredibly proud of identifying.

Stop looking at me Swan!

(This is Nate) Every time we see this picture (or visit the Please Touch Museum where it was taken)...

...Kristen and I inevitably end up exchanging Billy Madison quotes for too long:

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Addition!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Parlay Florida and the Over?

(This is Nate) Hey Ben, what's the line on the National Championship game tonight?

Hey There Delilah

(This is Nate) So one of the odd pleasures of having Ben around is watching the kid's show with him; naturally Sesame Street is a Season Pass on the ol' Tivo.  Well mixed in with the weird 70s videos are some new, current videos and guests. Thought this one was great, a take off of The Plain White T's song from last year. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Among Ben's favorite things are the phone and any computer - laptop, desktop, Mac, PC...he doesn't care. He's very tech savvy. With the computer he really just likes slamming his hands on the keys and banging the mouse on the desk. Grandma bought him his own laptop when he was an infant and he does like it, but it doesn't hold a candle to the real deal.  The phone, however, is the current favorite technology. He loves cell phones and cordless phones, but pretty much anything can be used as a phone - a thermometer, a book, a toy, a cracker, whatever. He will hold it up to his ear and say "hello". We don't have a home phone, but Grandpa blew his mind when Ben was holding his cell phone and Grandpa called him from the cordless phone. Above is a picture from Nate's holiday party where Ben is "multi-tasking". 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oy Vey

This morning when I was giving Ben breakfast he did something delightfully charming (mommy-speak for totally annoying) - he put his whole hand in the oatmeal making a huge mess. I responded with something that one of my Jewish friends has gotten me saying during times of crisis - "Oy Vey!" For some reason Ben thought this was hilarious and started laughing uncontrollably. Not just a giggle or a chuckle, but a belly laugh where he couldn't breathe and he had tears in his eyes. Every once in awhile you can get him into a laugh like this and its completely amazing. 

At dinnertime, Ben was a little crabby from a combination of being tired and hungry. The camera was right there and I thought to determine whether this morning's reaction to "Oy Vey" was really the phrase or just being silly. Well, you can be the judge...You'll also notice about halfway through he keeps looking behind me at the door asking for Daddy. Aw, cute!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I took Ben to the playground yesterday and we had a great time. Ben's favorites were the slide and the swing. He smiled and squealed in delight the entire time he was on the swing. I think I started saying "wee, wee, wee" when I was pushing him and each time I pushed him he would respond "weeee, weeeeee". It was too cute. We took him to the Please Touch Museum today and rode on the carousel. Once it started going up and down he kept saying "weeeee, weeeee". It was so precious I think I actually put my hand over my heart.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cup (C-u-p)

Ben is officially obsessed with his cup. It was one of his first words and really started to get the meaning of it (i.e. if I say "cup" they give me the cup") right around the time we took his bottle away. As a result of these two cataclysmic events, he's become completely infatuated. He's never been into a pacifier, and didn't really lament too much about giving up the bottle. However, if you are caught in a situation without the "cup" watch out. I have about 15 stashed all over the place. Nate and I have started spelling it to each other..."can you bring up his c-u-p for bedtime" so he doesn't hear us say it. If that accidentally happens he will ask for it about once every .5 seconds until it magically appears in his hands. In these pics you can see that he really enjoys toting it around the house. 

Friday, January 2, 2009


My first post - how exciting! I have started this blog as a way to journal and remember the little things that I love (and hate) about everyday. If there is anything that I have learned in the past year since Ben has been born its that time goes by incredibly quickly. I know that looking back I will not remember all the absolutely adorable things that Ben did, the way I felt, or what was going on in our life. So, if you think writing about my child and my life is narcissistic - it is! But it's for me. 

Ben's hair is so funny right now. He wakes up every morning with it standing straight up. We've been calling him Rooster as a result. I hope that one doesn't stick!