(This is Nate) So, its inauguration weekend, and the few friends of mine who live in D.C. have split in favor of NYC and New Orleans; so it sounds like it will be pretty crazy down there. As Ben is 1 year old and Obama is starting his presidency and will likley be leaving 8 years from now when Ben is 9, it made me think...when Kris and I were 1, Jimmy Carter was president; when we were 9, Reagan was ending his presidency.
I can honestly say I have no association with Carter, but I can clearly remember the Challenger plane crash and Reagan talking about it (1986?). These same memories collide with those of eating mac and cheese, served from the "window" of the kitchen at 621 Lehmer and watching The Price is Right, for whatever that is worth. I guess it just makes me wonder, what things will Ben remember or think fondly of? What will these next 8 years bring?
Congrats to Barack Hussien Obama. But more importantly: good luck.